Be Boxes

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The expansion of the 'Be Boxes' was launched at Keele during mental health awareness week. Be Boxes are a number of different boxes that students can hire out, for as many times as they want, for 2 weeks for free. They were designed to promote the importance of prioritising time to look after wellbeing and to support students to try different activities to find what works best for them. They also encourage friends or flatmates to use the boxes together to help reduce isolation.

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The Be Box collection first started with the 'Be Active Boxes'. In this box there are resistance bands, table tennis equipment, hula hoop and bean bags partnered with a resource on how to use all the equipment. The box provides students with the opportunity to try different ways to keep active, so they can find what they enjoy, and hopefully encourage increased physical activity levels long term. Since the pilot launch over Christmas 2020, there has been good engagement, with students regularly booking out the boxes. We have since doubled the amount of 'be active boxes' available due to student demand.

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Due to the success of the be active boxes we expanded the range to include 'be mindful box', 'be creative box', and 'be entertained box'. In the 'be mindful box' students can find bullet journaling prompts, breathing exercises, positive affirmations, a book of mindfulness and a calming tea bag. In the 'be creative box' there are items for cross-stitch, crochet, card making and origami. Finally, the be entertained box included several card games and a jigsaw. Since there launch a couple of weeks ago these boxes are also gaining popularity.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2021